
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

blog truffle winner!

I want to thank everyone who left a comment on our blog truffle! Yes, I did read every single comment!

Here is a little info addressing some of your comments...

1. Tutorials!   I'm so glad you are all so anxious to learn more techniques!  We currently post a tutorial every Saturday. However, for your convenience, I have added a tab just under the picture at the top of the blog that will take you to a page with links to all our tutorials. We will update it often, so check back!  There is also an email link there if you have any suggestions of techniques or mediums you would like to see done the CI way!
2. Pen applicator (and sprays, and dimensional paint, and tools)!  We have heard you!  We'll see what we can do. =)
3. Show us the colors!  you can go here to see all the colors (as well as buy them). We are currently working on getting new photos done that will show off the colors better.
4. Coordinating products!  We will throw that in the idea pot of things to work on too.

Want to get your hands on some of this fabulous shimmer?  You can order online directly from us here,  or you can express your interest to your local store owners.  They can find out more information here (and there is no minimum order, which is nice for the stores!)

Now on to the fun stuff!
Our winner is:

Michael said...

I am a new follower! I haven't tried your paints as of yet. Tutorials would be awesome I love inspiration and new ideas and techniques! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Send us an email letting us know what colors you want, and the mailing address!

Hope you all have a fabulous day!