
Friday, February 25, 2011

It's ok to color outside the lines!

Sometimes I find an awesome stamp, but the lines the artist drew can be distracting. Shaded areas that have strong outlines to them, sometimes tend to look unrealistic. What I like to do with this images, is not give up on the stamp! no! I like to grab my trusty London Fog grey ink from Memento, which is a nice light grey. I then use the lines as guidelines, but tend to go "ignore" them for shaded areas, as I did here with the fire. I then decided that I wanted my rocket to be bold, once filling it in with Silver Frost, so I outlines some areas with Onyx.

Since I plan on cutting out the image, it doesn't matter if I went a little outside the lines. I mixed Garnet and Mango to achieve this look.