
Saturday, February 12, 2011

lacy loo...

Hello everyone! Most of my boxes are unpacked now, and I have a studio again! I am so happy to be back to creating! 

For today's Inspirations tutorial, I decided to pull out some lace.  I love the textures and patterns that can be found in lace.  Like most things, I like to collect scraps of white lace, and color it according to the project I'm working on. I feel it gives me more options and creative freedom when I start with a blank canvas, so to speak. This is one way I like to color my lace using Creative Inspirations Paint.

What you need:

Lace  (any size/length/style you want)
Creative Inspirations Paint (your choice of colors)
Spray bottle with water
re-closable plastic baggie (size depending on how much lace you have)
popsicle stick

 Step 1: Spray your lace with water. It doesn't need to be dripping wet, just damp. This will allow the paint to blend better.

Step 2: Scrunch up you lace and put it into a plastic baggie. 

Step 3: Using your popsicle stick (or whatever you want), scoop some CI paint out of the jar and wipe it on the inside of your baggie.  Don't let the lace touch it yet.

Step 4: (optional) you may want to spritz the paint with some water at this point, but that is up to you. I usually do because it helps the paint go farther and blend smoother. If you aren't looking for softly blended, than don't add water.. Play around with how much paint/water you add until you get what you like.

 Step 5: Seal your baggie, and begin squishing the lace and paint around in the bag.

 Step 6: Check your lace. If you like how it looks, take it out and let it dry... If not, add more paint and/or water and squish it around in the bag again. 

Using the bag gives you a more mottled look than painting directly onto the lace. You will have areas that are lighter and darker.  I love this tone on tone blending! You can also try adding more than one color for a totally different look. 

 And in case you are wondering... Yes, the lace is shimmery!  It is not as shimmery as you might get if you painted directly on the lace, but it is there. If you want more shimmer, simply brush on a topcoat of Fairy Dust CI paint. 

*note: These paints are not intended to be fabric paints. Because of that, I do not suggest adding painted lace to any item of clothing or anything you intend to wash.*

 I used this technique with Burgundy CI paint for this LO of my niece.

Well, I hope that gives you some inspiration for your stash of lace!  Have fun!


  1. Wow, Kassi, such a beautiful layout!! Love the lace!

  2. Beautiful layout Kassi! Love the lace idea. Glad you are settled in.

  3. fabulous and inspiring Jan. Hope you are having a fab weekend.
    hugs June x

  4. Ohhh this is sooo pretty! Love this!

  5. Totally AWESOME. I have to try this out!
