
Monday, February 28, 2011


Hello Everyone- This is Chris Dickinson Remember a few years ago when the big rage in flower land was these paper Primas? Well, they keep coming out with BETTER product yet we have these left overs laying around. ACK, of course, I buy all of the new stuff too, but need to be a wise steward and use up my older things too. In an effort to do this, I grabbed my Shimmery, fabulous Creative Inspiration Paints and thought I would make some leaves and paint my Prima flowers too, to match my card!
You can use any type of paint brush you wish! I used an Aquapainter. Choose your paint color and your Prima flower. I bought a large bin of white Primas, so I will be creating a leaf with this one!

Paint directly on the flower with the paints that you like. Be careful to not over saturate with water as you paint. If you do, carefully use a Heat Tool to dry the flowers.

I did not have the right color of rose, so I mixed my own color. I used a touch of Burgundy, Rose and Fairy Frost and painted the color directly on the second Prima.

Once the paint is dry, I trimmed the Prima flower to create more of a "leafy" look.

Don't you just love the shimmer with these paints???

 Here are a few more details:

Stamps: I Brake For Stamps -  Humorous Seniors, Whipper Snapper sentiment,
Paper: Craft, TPC Studio Ancestral DP, Espresso, White
Ink: Memento Black, Copics
Accessories: Zva Pearls, Creative Inspiration Paints Primas, Scallop Punch, Offray ribbon, Dimensionals, Glue Dots, mini Glue Dots - 

Thank you for stopping by and taking a peek! I hope you have a wonderful day!


  1. Really great idea - I'm new to the CI paints and I do have a question. When you say you used your water pen - did you have water in it and just dip the brush into the paint OR did you mix the paint with water and put that mixture into the pen?
    Thanks for sharing and for your help,

    jkraftchick at triad dot rr dot com

  2. Great idea, cutting up and using as leaves - who would have thunk!?!?

  3. What a wonderful idea and tutorial!! Thank you for helping me to think outside the box!! I also love your fabulous card...I represent that remark (I have a teenager and one that was a teenager;) LOL!!

  4. What a great card, love the way you did the flowers and leaves.

  5. Awesome idea, never would have thought to make my leaves out of the primas as well!!! Cute card!

  6. I love how you cut the one flower to make leaves, great idea girl!

  7. I love this idea for flowers- fabulous. Hahaha your card is great and I love the funny sentiment!
