
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Plum Sparklers

Good morning! It's Holly posting today, and I've got a fun and different way to use the Creative Inspirations Paints to show you.

Can you figure out what I did here? Hee hee hee!!

I stamped the image with Versamark and embossed it with white embossing powder. Then I dipped my finger into a jar of Plum Creative Inspirations Paint, smeared it all over the cardstock, and then sprayed it with water. The paint thinned out and left this pale colored sheen all over. I crumpled up the cardstock to give it a little texture.

But wait, I'm not done yet. LOL! Then I dipped my finger into the same Plum paint and rubbed it in circles directly over the white sparklers. Isn't that a cool effect??

But wait, I'm still not done yet. Heheheee!!! The last thing I did was dip a paintbrush into the same Plum paint, and then I "thwacked" it against my finger so it would splatter all over the image. That's what the little dark dots are - paint splatters. :-) Here's a close-up so you can see the splatters and the gorgeous shimmer:

I hope you enjoyed this fun project. There are so many different ways to use these paints, and I hope you try these out for yourself. :-)

Creative Inspirations Paint: Plum
Stamps: Penny Black Sparklers
Ink: Versamark
CS: plum, pale plum, white
Other: white embossing powder, May Arts silk ribbon


  1. Oh, Holly, I love your technique. It turned out beautifully. TFS your new technique.

  2. What a wonderful card! What a great post showing different ways to use the same paint and make it look different.

  3. Beautiful card! I love all your different ideas. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Holly, this is so cool. Great paint techniques.

  5. Brilliant creation Holly!
    Thanks for sharing those great techniques!
    Love from France, Kianel.

  6. What a dreamy creation!!! I love the colors and all the lovely shimmer:)

