
Thursday, October 6, 2011

This week we are being inspired by buttons.  I am starting to get together some ideas for our craft show and this is one of the projects I'm considering.  It's a hot chocolate pouch.  I'm not sure I care for the design.  I was going for a partially melted snowman.  He's been painted with CI Paint 'Blue Ice' and his nose with 'Sunshine'.  And of course, he has 2 button eyes. 

The ribbon is tucked down inside and looped around the hot chocolate to hold it in place.  When you pull the ribbon up it pulls the packet out. 
Hope you have an awesome day!


  1. Cute idea! Still cant believe winter is on it way, but I love seeing all the Christmas projects.

  2. I think it's fun! I love the shine!

  3. So cute!! What a neat idea! Love the shimmer!
