
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Happy Holidays

Where has the time gone!! Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I still remember my 40th birthday ew... and Christmas is right around the corner! So I thought it would be appropriate to share a Christmas card I made in bulk to send out to some friends and I a handmade the rose on the front and used Creative Inspiration Paints to paint. I really understand there are so many gorgeous paints out there and I really have tried them all and to me no paint is better than CIS. It goes on so smooth and the shimmer and shine you get once it is dried is really amazing and you wont truly appreciate it until you purchase some. I am a person who represents things I really love and believe in and these paints I love. 

 Be sure to become a follower of CIS and leave a comment to be eligible to win my 1001 follower giveaway I am having on my blog.


  1. what a beautiful card Monica! LOVE the gorgeous design and beautiful Christmas colors!!

  2. Elegant and feminine, reminiscent of a Victorian Christmas. This is the kind of card I would have wanted to buy to give to my Mother who was all of those things.Thank you for this chance to win. Happy Holidays to Everyone!

  3. This card is gorgeous - love the long, the flower, the pattern paper -oh my I love it all.
    Barb S (FL)

  4. Dang iPad auto correct - should say 'bling'

  5. Beautiful card MOnica I love the Garnet. These Creative inspiration paints are awesome!!!

  6. Yes you must purchase some - they are so smooth when you paint with them!!

  7. Very pretty card!! Love the flower and bling!

  8. This is such an elegant card.... beautiful!!

  9. Beautiful card!!! Thanks for the candy!!!

  10. Hi Monica I love your card, it is so beautiful. simple, yet complicated. My Dad's favorite flower we a rose. He had so many rose bushes in his garden, big and so beautiful. he passed away 5 years ago, and my mOM 6 years,My favorite memory , is when my dad got home from work, he would go to the garden ,pick a fresh rose and bring it in to my mom. I miss them both so much. Thanks for my memory.I would love to learn how you made the rose,really something, you are so talented.
    thank you,
    sharon mallory doble

  11. LOVE your card, Monica. There are so many elements to keep the eye busy. Love the sparkly flourish, and the rose is gorgeous. I, too, love to paint my flowers with CI paints - they just look flat and dull without them. Thanks for sharing your card!
