Hello all! Welcome to a new week! It's Kassi, bringing you your Monday Inspiration...
Things have gotten very crazy behind the scenes here on my end... I had this tutorial all photographed Saturday, and it still took me this long to get it posted... Sorry about that!
Before we jump into this tutorial, a quick reminder... We are currently looking to add members to our DT for next term. All the details can be found by clicking the tab labeled "DT Call" near the top of the page.
Ok, that said, wanna crack? It's fun, I promise. =)
WARNING: this technique requires the use of a heat tool. The heated objects are VERY hot. Please use caution... and tweezers..... (or you will end up with burnt finger tips like me.)
Let's get started!
You will need:
The cut out you want to use
CI paint of your choice
Clear Embossing ink
Heat tool
Freezer (optional)
Ink (optional)

Step 1: choose image/die cut you want to work with. I am using a leaf from the Cricut "Preserves" cartridge. Most anything works for this, so be creative.

Step 2: Paint with desired Creative Inspirations paint. This adds great shimmer beneath the enamel. (I'm using Silver Frost here)

Step 3: Dry completely. This is important! Either set it aside for a while, or zap it with a heat gun... Just make sure it is dry.

Step 4: Press the image (paint side down) into a clear embossing ink pad. Yes, your fingers get messy... but really, isn't that part of the fun?

Step 5: Cover in UTEE (Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel). I keep mine in a box with a snap lid. It is easier to work with this way, than out of a jar (for me at least)

Step 6: Heat with heat gun until powder is melted.

Step 7: Working fast, cover your HOT piece with UTEE again. (this is where I advise using tweezers. The enamel is very hot!) The powder will stick to the hot enamel.

Step 8: Heat again until powder is melted. You have now completed a second layer
Step 9: Repeat steps 7-8 until desired build up is achieved. (For cracking, at least 3-4 good layers are needed.)
*note: You can use regular clear embossing powder for this technique, but it takes a LOT more layers to build up the right thickness*

You now have a very shimmery piece with a nice rounded enamel coating. Doesn't the CI paint add a nice touch?
You are free to stop here and use the piece as is. However, if you want to add more interest, distress, and texture, continue on.
Step 10: Place piece in freezer for a few minutes. (yup, you read right... the freezer)

Step 11: Take piece out of the freezer, and quickly (while it is still very cold) and gently bend the piece. Cracks will appear. These cracks are random, and aren't really controllable... If you want more cracks, bend more. If your piece doesn't crack, place in freezer for a few more minutes.
This is a very forgiving technique. If you don't like the placement of the cracks, simply reheat with the heat gun, re-freeze, and try again.
Again, you can stop here. If you want to enhance the look of your cracks, continue on.

Step 12: Using a blending tool, or a piece of sponge, rub dye ink over the piece. You really need to work the ink into the cracks, so don't be afraid to really press firmly when you are applying the ink.

Step 13: Using a damp cloth, gently rub away the ink. The enamel resists the ink by it's very nature, so when you wipe away the ink from the enamel, you are left with only the ink that was forced into the cracks. Pretty cool, huh!

Your piece will look something like this. I have seen this technique done over regular ink, or just plain cardstock... However, I love the added "wow" factor that the shimmery CI paints have under the enamel.
I used the above technique on this card (I didn't add ink over the cracks though... I wanted it to be more frosty looking.)

Paper: Bazzill, Cordinations, Unknown patterned paper
Ink: Memento, VersaMark, Powder Puff
CI paint: Ivory, Antique Silver
Cricut: "Preserves"
Stamps: SEI "Mimosa", Inkadinkado "Sketchy Flourishes"
Other: UTEE. Sewing Machine

Here is a close up of the grapes. They were painted "Ivory", so in some lights they look purple, and in some lights they look almost creamy...
Well, there you have it! I hope you enjoy!
Have an amazing day, and check back tomorrow to see what Kendra has in store for you.